Mother and I get such a kick out of Lola. She is our lovey baby and a great source of comic relief. I do not ever again want to live without a dog.
Mom is out of her arthritis medication, almost. So I called the pharmacy this morning and they said they would have to fax the prescription refill to the doctor, to get a new prescription, and if I want it expedited to call the doctor's office.
OK, no problem. Mom's doctor, who specializes in geriatric medicine, is named Dr. Taylor Graves -- irony abounds over there at his Emory office... Mother couldn't think of his name this morning. "Think of an open grave," I said, trying to be helpful [snicker snort].
"Oh Lord..." was her reply.
So I finally reach one of his nurses and we talk about the medication. While she is looking up the online records, Lola is sitting right next to me whining because she wants a bite of Mother's toast.
Mother likes to eat toast with jam every morning, after she finishes her eggs. Lola wants it. Lola never gets that. I usually pacify her with Milkbones.
Despite her utter failure at ever getting Mother's toast, she still likes to beg. Lola has an entire repertoire of whines, barks, snuffles, yips - quite a cacophony.
I had been talking a minute when Mother suddenly realized that since I had the doctor's office on speakerphone, the nurse could hear all of Lola's entreaties. So Mother suddenly said "TELL HER THAT'S THE DOG, NOT ME!"
I chuckled. "The odd sounds you are hearing are NOT my mother, but the dog." I held the phone closer to Lola for a second.
The nurse started laughing and nearly dropped the phone, I think.
The rest of the conversation, the nurse was giggling. She asked me what kind of dog Lola is, etc. I said to Lola "Tell this lady hello" and held the phone down near her mouth. She yipped and then sneezed violently.
I was tempted to say the old Monty Python line "I empty my nostrils in your general direction!" - but I figured the nurse probably wouldn't get the reference, and might even think I was nuts.
I hung up and gave Lola a Milkbone and she hushed. She also got to lick crumbs off of Mother's plate.
Later, she will walk outside several times, take 5-10 naps, and possibly try to eat a tomato out of the garden...
In my next life, I want to be a dog...