I am glad to have a three day weekend. Waking at 6:30 to get Michael out of the house by 7:30 is no picnic. He is not a morning person. I have to pretend to be a morning person to get him out of bed.
Usually, I go in his room, turn on the light, and grab his foot and shake it. "Let's go let's go let's go! Let's rock & roll!" I exhort cheerfully.
His response is usually a snort or grunt.
Then I come back in my room and play music loudly for a few minutes. At least 3 times, between songs, I have to holler GET UP MICHAEL! The last time I have to say "GET UP! It's 6:45!" and he finally shuffles out of bed and into the shower. Then there's a 20 minute respite. Next, the begging him to eat breakfast.
On Friday, breakfast was easier because I was able to offer him a slice of homemade pumpkin bread slathered in butter.
Now I just have to offer that [or another homemade goodie] in order to get him to eat. No pressure there...
One of my friends on Facebook was complaining because they changed around his favorite grocery store and now he can't find anything. I can so relate. My fave Kroger is being remodeled, and now I have to wander around in utter confusion. To make matters worse, they've reordered everything every week!
I asked the checkout clerk last time I was there when the renovations would be finished and she said "October."
I wanted to cry.
Michael and I watched the movie Independence Day the other night, and he loved it. He had seen it before, but when he was smaller and really didn't understand what was going on. He enjoyed it a lot more this time.
I remember going to see that with my dad, and he liked it. That makes it a special movie to share with my son.
I was watching it and thinking, nobody is running around talking on a cell phone. That one detail dates it.
Not much else to report. We will have a quiet weekend. Michael is working every day this weekend.
Lola plans to walk, sleep, and eat, in that order...
below, another gorgeous shot by my friend Lisa Amos, who lives in the North Georgia mountains..