OK, I admit it, I am something of a news junkie. I spend a fair amount of time every day trying to keep up with the world around me and what's going on.
However, I am always unfailingly amazed at what the "news" broadcasts consider news. Nowadays it's mostly fluff.
Case in point: the nude photos story. It's idiotic.
I am sorry that Jennifer Lawrence lost her nude photos to a hacker but I am not really surprised. Internet security is pretty useless, from what I've heard. Hackers are everywhere. Should she have taken nude photos or allowed them to be taken of her? I think not. I think if you allow that then you have to allow for the idea they can get stolen, particularly if you're a celebrity.
I am much more concerned about what's happening in Iraq and Ukraine.
I don't particularly like Ricky Gervais but I am appalled that he has so little spine that he deleted his innocuous Twtter comment about the nude photo brouhaha.
He wrote: “Celebrities, make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from your computer by not putting nude pics of yourself on the computer.”
People immediately got mad about it and he deleted it.
GOOD LORD!!! Is everyone afraid of being politically incorrect?!? Apparently so.
Celebrities get ZERO sympathy from me when they complain about violations of their privacy. If you want privacy, don't make movies or go on TV or put yourself OUT THERE. You are happy to take the millions of dollars, right??
Amazing, isn't it, how a lot of very big celebrities [Tom Hanks, for instance] still have private lives and they actually control what gets printed about them and the photos that get taken.
I know I'm old-fashioned and un-PC and I really don't care. If you want to be famous, fine. You need to accept the way the world works and quit expecting sympathy from people like me who have a lot more important things to worry about -- like how to pay the bills, how to care for frail family members, and if our sons are going to continue to die in far off places.
Those type of concerns trump celebrity whining any day.
Rant over.