I wrote the post about Rocks the other day and yet I didn't make them. Go figure. I did, however, make some pumpkin bread, which I gave out as presents, and last night I made a pound cake. SO there are plenty of sweets in the house.
Also, my boss got a big gift basket and didn't want it, so I brought that home.
Even though there are only a couple of folks coming in for Christmas [Bruce and Lesleigh] I still feel the need to get my house straight and food bought. I am feeling overwhelmed.
Michael is a teenager. I have been trying to get him to get up and take a shower for about 45 minutes and he hasn't moved. I have about decided I will have to ignore him and do it all myself.
He came in last night from work and said it had been a busy night, and he'd made good tips. "Now I can get another tattoo!" he crowed.
"Have you bought anything for Granny or Uncle Bruce for Christmas?" I asked him.
No response.
Yesterday was all about errands. I took Lola to the groomers for a bath and nail trim. Took Mother to the beauty parlor. Took the car to the car wash.
The traffic was horrendous, even in my little corner of northeast Atlanta.
I was sitting on a bench outside the beauty parlor waiting on Mom and this little old man came out with his little old wife right next to him. It took them 10 minutes to go from the door to the car, and get in and shut the door. The car was maybe 15 feet from the door?
I am sitting there playing Words With Friends on my phone, and I hear the little old man say this phrase: SO THEY DIDN'T HAVE CORN MUFFIN MIX AT THE STORE THEY HAD CORNMEAL MIX! NO CORN MUFFIN MIX! CORNMEAL!
The little old lady didn't reply. Didn't look at him. Didn't react in any way to his obvious anger and disgust.
He said it again, as they shuffled to the car. She didn't react.
He said it again. No reaction.
He let out a loud fart. Still no reaction.
He was still hollering about cornmeal as he got in the car. I snuck a peek at the car, a huge old Buick. The wife was sitting there completely ignoring him.
I told my mother this story later and her response was: "They've been married a long time. After a while you just ignore him."
There it is, folks, the secret to a long marriage. LOL