Got some old photos from several sources and a couple of new ones I wanted to share. It's a gloomy, rainy day and we just un-decorated the house, which is always a bit depressing.
Below, a shot from 2009, made by my cousin Mark Embry, who is an awesome photographer. Michael had only been here a couple of years. My smile is crooked but otherwise I like the shot.
A friend sent me some photos of my dad I had never seen, from his days with the bank in Knoxville.
Dad always liked to wear suits with vests. I like that look. Particularly good for a banker. The younger man is David Moore, who worked with Dad for years and is still a friend of our family.
I really like the image below even though you can't see Dad's face that well. He was very fond of Betty, and she was a wonderful colleague. She is still going strong even though she's up in her 80's.
My friend Joanne and her daughters came by for a visit yesterday. I wasn't feeling well so it was a short visit but it was wonderful to see them. It's lovely to be friends with someone since babyhood -- Joanne lived next door when we were small. Her daughters are now in college and my kids are in college. Amazing to think how the years have whizzed by.
Below, all of us [except Michael, who hadn't been adopted] in my mother's house in Augusta in 2005. Joanne's mother is a dear friend of my mom's.
Below, the girls and Michael in 2009.
Below, the murky shots from yesterday. Not sure if it's the fault of my phone or the lighting... Lola decided the girls were there simply to play with her..
My old friend Gary came by today and we had a great visit. He brought Michael two UGA shirts!