It's been a really quiet week. I've been working on some writing projects and I've got a work from home assignment. I guess it was time for a little drama around here.
The yard service I use hasn't had much to do this winter, of course, but I keep them on because they are reliable and keep the yard neat. I talked to the head guy late yesterday afternoon and explained we needed the big hydrangea behind Mother's window cut back, so she can see out. The bushes in the front had gotten really scraggly, too. So the yard guys were tasked with more than their usual stuff.
While they worked, I was here at the computer in my room, and Lola was downstairs barking furiously. I didn't pay any attention, because she barks like that at any human who comes into our yard. They finally finished and she quit and came up to my room and jumped on the bed and went to sleep. Barking is exhausting. This is her pattern.
A little while later I got up and noticed that she was licking her front paw a lot. That's when I noticed the old blanket I keep on my bed to protect the spread had blood on it. I grabbed some paper towels and looked at the paw. She cut the pad on the bottom. I got the blood stanched and called a friend who is a vet. I texted her a photo of the paw. She said it's nearly impossible to stitch that area because the moment the dog walks on it the stitches pop, and it's hard to keep a dog real quiet and still long enough for healing. I got a bandage on her foot -- twice -- and it fell off both times as soon as she walked.
Lola hadn't cried or yelped when she cut the foot, and wasn't crying or seeming particularly upset when I was doctoring on her.
When I went downstairs a little later to finish dinner, I realized what had happened. Lola had hit the back door so hard she broke one of the glass panels in the door.
Fortunately we have a neighbor who does handyman work and he's going to come and fix the door today.
Lola's paw stopped bleeding pretty quickly and she seems totally fine this morning, although a lot more quiet than usual. I gave her some sliced avocado last night at dinner. It's full of vitamins and hopefully it will help with healing. I don't think the vet can do anything but if she seems worse of course I will take her to the vet.
In other news... Michael has become obsessed with an X-Box game called Civilization. He gets some history lessons there which is great, but playing X-Box all night is not conducive to good study and work habits. I keep trying to get him to get into better sleeping and eating patterns but it's an uphill battle. He's a teenager.
Mother isn't feeling well this morning.
It occurred to me the other day, I am trying to care for an 81 year old and an 18 year old, and I am right in the middle. Both ages have their particular issues. Mother is a lot more reasonable, of course. She doesn't throw dirty clothes on the floor, play with her phone constantly, call everything "stupid," stay up half the night playing videogames, or talk obsessively about her next tattoo. It would make a funny sort of Freaky Friday movie if she changed places with Michael for a day, though. I am thinking she would ace his schoolwork and he would put the X-Box on the TV in her room, and there would be all sorts of hilarity.
And I would still be in the middle. On second thought.... maybe not. Let's just go with the status quo...