I got up this morning and found this. Lola has been staying up half the night playing X-Box with Michael. She was exhausted. That Civilization Revolution game is addictive.
I told her that Michael needs his sleep. He doesn't need to stay up all night playing videogames with her. She said she has tried to quit but she can't... and she might need to go to a 12 step program soon... one that supplies donuts to the addicts..
She pointed out that she has been a good influence on him lately. She has gotten him to eat more salads -- spinach and gorgonzola last night, from the restaurant where he works.
Lola loves fruits and vegetables and tries to set a good example for the boy. She will eat broccoli florets all day long.
[We won't mention the unfortunate sight of her in my room the other day sucking on an old banana peel. So unladylike.]
Lola also promised she wouldn't growl at the yard men and attack the back door any more, knocking out the glass panels. (Took Michael and his friend a couple of hours the other day to get the new glass cut and fix the panel.)
She tries to be a good example. In addition to eating broccoli, cucumbers, bananas, and even jalapenos, she exercises me every day, walking me around the neighborhood. In return, when Mother and Michael call Lola fat or make rude remarks about her belly I point out that she is merely BIG BONED. It's a basset hound fact. She can't help it.
She stalks the squirrels in the yard. Her body goes rigid when she sees one on the grass near her. She told me we just need to set some traps and get rid of those pesky squirrels. After all, they are why we can't feed the birds. Lola feels like it would only take 2-4 squirrels to make her a lovely fur jacket. I pointed out that the squirrels are welcome in our yard and we would never harm them, and she said I was NO FUN AT ALL.
Good thing it's a cool rainy day, the type of day where Lola just lounges on the couch most of the day. She needs her rest after last night's x-box marathon...