The past few days have been miserable. I have some sort of virus. Really really feeling awful. Plus I've had guys here installing a new air conditioning system for the upstairs, which has caused Lola to bark loudly every 5 minutes. Plus I had to work yesterday -- thank goodness I work from home now. Also, we had big thunderstorms yesterday.
Also, Michael was in a foul mood.
I have not unloaded the dishwasher or done much in the kitchen for several days. I made a quick dinner last night and had to lie down afterwards, I was so exhausted. This thing has almost felt like the flu; feeling very weak and somewhat nauseated, plus a constant headache. Add menopause symptoms on top of that and you get some idea of how yucky I have felt.
I got through Monday without crying only because I kept looking at videos of a terrific comedian named Henry Cho. He has a clean act and he makes me laugh. He is also from Knoxville and I just love hearing him talk; makes me nostalgic for when I lived in Knoxville years ago. Check this out.