Getting over surgery is a process. I continue to recuperate, and feel better. On Saturday I felt better than I have felt in weeks. More energetic, for sure. I vacuumed the family room, and cooked dinner.
However, I did a little too much. So yesterday I was kind of tired all day. Such is life. I got things done despite the fatigue.
A number of people have been really sweet to our family during the hospitalization and right afterwards and I wanted to do something to say Thank You, so I made some loaves of pumpkin bread yesterday and Michael helped me get them distributed. Still need to deliver a couple of them.
I also watered all my gardens. Naturally, then, it rained last night.
I go to the heart doctor on Thursday, which will be the two week anniversary of the pacemaker surgery. Don't look forward to that but I look forward to continuing to feel better.
Yesterday's post about the ancestors was fun to write, and I am proud of my heritage, but it's not the entire picture of course. Most of my ancestors were farmers, and they worked hard and weren't famous.
I remember reading a book about Thomas Jefferson's affair with Sally Hemings, years ago, and feeling some frustration with him for not just freeing his slaves, especially when he was carrying on an affair with one of them. I hope it was a love match and not brutal. However, I have to try and remember he was a product of his time and place. It's not fair for us to judge him with 21st century eyes, just as it would be unfair for him to come back to life and judge us.
I am always fascinated to learn history and I will continue to explore the various ancestral lines. For instance, I had never heard of Nicholas Martiau and yet he was a fascinating guy.
He is probably one of the reasons why I can speak French very easily and without an American accent..