Trying to buy a birthday present for Michael is tricky. He has more clothes than he knows what to do with, thanks to one of my cousins who sends big boxes of clothes her son has outgrown or never wore, really nice things. He's not playing much tennis right now. I wouldn't attempt to try and find him videogames. He got some new prescription sunglasses and a fancy charger for his phone. Today, Six Flags.
Yesterday he turned 19. It boggles my mind that my baby is 19 years old. When I met him he was 10 years old.
Below, reading to him in the orphanage, March 2007.
He had a pretty laid-back birthday yesterday. He slept until early afternoon and then hung out with friends the rest of the day. I offered to take him out to dinner but that didn't interest him.
Today, he is going to Six Flags with several other boys, for a day of riding rides. That's his big birthday present. I got them a "flash pass" which makes it possible for them to not have to wait so long in line.
The highs today are going to be in the upper 90's so I told all the boys to drink lots of water and stay hydrated, and to be careful and cool off whenever possible. I wish I had thought to take a photo but I didn't..
One of my work from home jobs ended so I am back on the job search. Praying I can find something I like..