OK, it's starting to feel like Christmas. Not just because the tree is up. Not just because there are presents under it, and we've sent out and received Christmas cards. What makes Christmas, for me, is MUSIC.
I have been practicing playing Christmas carols on our piano. SO glad we got it tuned last summer. It's a small piano but it has a rich, beautiful tone.
What else makes Christmas special? Food, for one thing. Michael and I tried a recipe today for Sugared Pecans - kind of a pain to stir them every 15 minutes but wow. They are seriously addicting. They should be called Crack Pecans.
Next week is Pumpkin Bread week. The neighbors and some friends will be getting pumpkin bread.
I wish I were better about practicing the piano. I play maybe once a month? I took lessons for five years as a kid, and at one time I could play fairly decently but it's not something I've had time to do lately. After a little practice, I was able to rock Jingle Bells and Away in a Manger. Progress..
The weather here has just been freaky weird. Warm enough to wear short sleeves outside and be perfectly comfortable. I have begonias and geraniums I planted six months ago that are still blooming. Even for Hot-Lanta, that's unusual. I took some photos but they are awful so I'm not posting them. They are lovely but they make me somewhat uncomfortable. I am wondering if we will have a wickedly weird, cold winter..
As I said though, I am in a musical mood.
This is not usually thought of as a Christmas song but it's the perfect song. I've sung Handel's Messiah many times, and it's my favorite song from the entire thing because it's so joyful:
If you prefer something a little lighter, something that's easy to sing along with, another favorite is the wonderful James Taylor, with Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: