My favorite memories of Easter are not egg hunts or goodies in the Easter basket. My favorite memories are of being together with family and having a relaxing and fun day, after church of course.
One year we had an egg hunt in our yard and our dog found and ate most of the candy eggs...
This was made in Augusta, about 1968. Mom liked to spray things with gold paint.
We have a few photos of our entire family made on Easter Sundays, when I was small, but none are great. Kids who are forced to pose for photos instead of gobbling down Easter candy and usually scowling, is all I can say about that...
I was looking through my Easter photos of my kids and I decided not to post any here, because they make me sad. I had a long conversation with my daughter last week and it was not good. It breaks my heart that she is with a "fiance" that I know is utterly wrong for her, and she cannot see that. After our conversation I cried most of the rest of the day. I pray for her every day, for her to make good choices in her life.
I have a friend coming for lunch today so I need to get moving and finish cooking. I made deviled eggs and green bean salad yesterday, and I am going to make a quiche...
Happy Easter y'all!