Wow, it feels like I haven't been on here in forever. I have had a terrible week, truly terrible. One of the worst weeks of my life. I can't blog about what has been keeping me so on edge, but my close friends know the turmoil I've been facing.
I do wish my mom wasn't so superstitious. I cannot shake the idea that "bad things come in threes" and so the past week has been a threefold deal.
This morning as I walked Lola it was a bit chilly, but I thought to myself OK, no biggie. We don't have snow to deal with.
I came through the week's turmoil, all of it. The three bad things are over and done, for the most part. My friends stood by my side. My mom gave me a shoulder to cry on. The sun is shining. My little family is OK. Bills are paid. There's food in the fridge. There are lots of vegetables growing in my gardens, and flowers, which give me joy. I truly have so much to be grateful for, and I need to focus on that. I thanked God for seeing me through the very difficult days I've had recently. The attitude of gratitude really helps to keep me calm.
For the next couple of months I've got two jobs, my normal job for Storyline Group, which is part-time, and another part-time job grading online essay tests. So money isn't going to be so tight, I hope, knock wood.
My one remaining uncle is having more medical issues and I worry about him. Please say a prayer for him.
The next week is going to be busy, I can see by the calendar, but we will muddle through..