Years ago when I smoked I used to get bronchitis a lot, but when I quit in 1997 I stopped getting bronchitis, except once in a blue moon, knock wood. I do get sinus issues, but they are usually confined to just the odd headache, the day before a rainstorm. My sinuses CAN predict the weather.
Nowadays I am rarely ever sick but the past few days have been an ordeal. I went to the doctor Thursday - ironically, I had had that checkup scheduled for a while - and I have a sinus infection and ear infection. I told her I feared the normal boring old checkup wouldn't be fun so I thought a nice sinus/ear infection would liven things up. Then I forgot I had a cherry cough drop in my mouth and when she went to look at my throat she looked really startled for a second before saying "You need to spit out your COUGH DROP!" She is a tiny Russian woman but she means business. I love her.
I blame my son for my illness. He is enjoying staying out late a lot nowadays and when he's not home by midnight I worry and cannot sleep. When I cannot sleep, my resistance goes down.
Ah, I remember the days, decades ago, when "party" was a verb. Not fondly, but I remember them.
Last night he made it home at 4 a.m. He is still asleep, more than 12 hours later. I am a bit worried he may be getting sick too.
I posted this on Facebook a little while ago:
Saturday is a day I run around and do things around the house, run errands, etc. - just like most of us. Today I am sick. Have no energy. Can barely talk, I am so hoarse. Coughing constantly. Need to rest. Hate resting. Cannot nap. BUT - I found a funnier, more entertaining time waster than Facebook so I wanted to share with y'all. Go to YouTube and put in the search box Graham Norton and _________[the name of your favorite actor or comedian]. Chances are good Graham has interviewed him or her. His shows are always great. Kudos to the Brits for having MUCH better chat shows than we do...
Thank God for Graham Norton. The clip below is about 40 minutes long but if you have the time, I recommend it. He just chats with Robert Duvall, Robert Downey Jr., and Stephen Fry. They just chat, and everyone tells stories. It's very loosely organized but the clips are always wonderful.
Duvall and Downey were in a movie called The Judge and it's an incredibly good film. Very entertaining. Very moving. Duvall still has amazing talents and I think he's my mom's age.
The doctor gave me some good prescriptions and I am taking them faithfully so I hope by tomorrow I will feel a lot better and able to enjoy Mother's Day.