One of my cousins posted this on Facebook and I thought I'd post my answers. I always read these things because I think the answers tell you a lot about a person. I do like to explain a bit, though..
Tattoos......................... 0
Piercings...................... 2 [ears, since I was 14]
Marriages..................... 0
Children......................... 2
Surgeries...................... 3 [tonsils, hysterectomy, pacemaker]
Shot a gun.....................Yes [my father and brother collect them...]
Quit a job....................... Yes [I don't know anybody who hasn't quit a job at some point, if they are are over 30..]
Flown on a plane........... Yes [but hopefully never again. Hate flying. Now if I could fly on a private plane my answer would change..]
100+miles in a car......... Yes [not crazy about long car trips either but at least I can stop and stretch my legs easier than on a plane..]
Hit a deer........................ No
Gone zip lining............... Yes [I think I did it once when I was a kid, when one of my cousins set up one in the back yard]
Cried over someone...... Yes [good Lord, what kind of strangely emotionally stunted person hasn't cried over someone?!]
Fell in love..................... Yes [well, I thought it was love at the time. In hindsight, it was probably more like infatuation..]
Skipped school.............Yes [as a kid, but only to help my mom. As a college student, no. I always felt since I was paying for my education I ought to at least show up and get the value for my money, or Dad's money...]
Watched someone give birth...No [watched a pretty graphic and realistic film about it once, as a kid, and it was really scary. Glad my kids are adopted... :-)]
Watched someone die...No [should have been there when Dad died but didn't make it home on time.]
Been to Canada........... No [but I have always wanted to go, especially Banf]
Ridden in an ambulance......Yes [hope to never do that again]
Been to Hawaii?............No [but I love the movie Aloha so I feel like I've been there...]
Been to Europe............... Yes [would love to go back, especially Italy and Ireland]
Been to Washington D.C.......Yes
Visited Florida................. Yes
Visited Mexico..............No [I would love to see the Mexican coast but I have a sensitive stomach so I would have a hard time eating...]
Visited Las Vegas....... No [hate drinking and gambling so this is not a place I ever want to go]
Sang karaoke.............. Yes [once, in a bar, years ago.]
Had a pet(s)................ Yes
Been sledding on big hill....... Yes [once, as a kid... of course "big hill" is a rather vague term]
Been downhill skiing..............No [scares me]
Rode on a motorcycle........ Yes [as a kid - not in many many years and never again]
Rode a horse...................... Yes [I love horseback riding but my legs are so short, getting on a horse is really difficult.]
Stayed in a hospital........... Yes [hopefully never again]
Donated blood.................... Yes [found out as a college student I got free cookies from the Red Cross for donating]
Driven a stick shift............. Yes [but I stink at it; wrecked the car that had a stick, years ago]
Rode in the back of a police car... No!