A few years ago I was looking for work and my cousin Bebe suggested I get in touch with an old friend of hers, Rob Wilson. He basically needed someone to help him book speaking engagements, and I gave it a try but I wasn’t very good at it. Rob is often asked to do motivational speaking – check out Jump Start Your Meeting. We stayed in touch, and I marveled at his postings on Facebook because Rob is not only a speaker but a busy writer. Check out his Amazon page and you will see listings for his many books. His newest book is …And Never Coming Back.
Rob is also very funny. Rarely have I ever laughed so much as I did when we chatted about this column. He missed his calling to be a comedian!
Writing and speaking are not his only talents. Rob has worked in advertising for many years, (check out his website) and he also teaches advertising. He’s also worked in Sales, waited tables, run a clothing business, and during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics he turned his home into a successful B&B.
I always enjoy reading Rob’s columns in Psychology Today. For example, Nobody Wants You to be Creative. Having worked in corporate America for 8 long years in a cubicle, I can promise you this is a very honest piece of writing.
If you want to see Rob in action, check out his YouTube Channel.
He was my most delightful Twenty Questions interview yet. Thanks, Rob!
What is your full name? Robert Evans Wilson Jr.
Where would you live, if you could live anywhere in the world? In the country somewhere.
What is your favorite movie and why? Dead Poets Society – I’m all about creativity and achievement and doing things differently. It resonated with me on a deep level.
What was your least-favorite subject in school when you were a kid? Math – I was good at it but it was so boring. I would create little games in my mind to make it interesting.
What was your nickname when you were a kid? Bobby
Do you believe in God? I was very religious growing up then my father died and I became an atheist until I had children. I am more spiritual than religious. I do believe in a higher power.
What sound or noise do you love? music
If you could do anything other than what you do, as a profession, what would it be? I would do nothing but write fiction; that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. I never felt like I had the time for it.
If heaven exists, what do you think it is like? I don’t know
Do you have siblings? One sister. I am very close to her. She is an awesome person.
What is your favorite memory of childhood [something specific]? Playing tag with a bunch of kids. I loved to do that when I was little.
If you had to choose between one week traveling around the USA by car, or one week traveling around Europe on a train, which would you choose and why? I’d probably do the Europe one because I’ve never really been out of the country. I’ve been to Canada and Tijuana. I was invited to speak in London and I didn’t do it, which I regret. I did get to Honolulu for 4 days on a speaking gig.
What inspires you? injustice
Which holiday do you prefer, Christmas or July 4th? July 4th, less stressful
What project or idea are you most passionate about, right now? I don’t have anything I’m really passionate about right now. I wish I had a novel I was working on, because that would be a passion.
Do you know how to cook? I’m pretty good cook.
What is your favorite thing to cook/eat? I like fish. I make a pecan encrusted blackened fish. I have a few recipes I’ve put together over the years.
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, for 2-4 weeks, all expenses paid, where would you go and why? Probably I would like to go to England. My ancestors came out of there.
Who do you love the most in the world? My children
What question has nobody ever asked you, but you wanted to answer? Can't think of one.