I have not been feeling up to blogging lately but finally it occurred to me I should do a post, even just a small post, and let folks know what is going on. Nothing really earth-shattering but here's the scoop.
I have had the flu. Not normal flu that's easily recognizable, nope. I've had a weird strain of flu. Started feeling bad last Wednesday. By Thursday, I felt so awful I went to the doctor, which I hate to do. I felt awful -- headache, body aches, chills, nausea, weakness. The weakness scared me. I can never get my internist on the phone so I called the cardiologist. He's a great guy and saw me two hours after I called. I really thought it might be a heart issue because of the weakness. [Nope, my heart is fine.] He listened to me recite my symptoms and said "You have a weird strain of the flu. Everyone in my family has had it. I'm going to write you two prescriptions."
You cannot imagine my relief. WHEW.
Yesterday, after two days on the medications, I was feeling 90% normal; just didn't have any energy.
That was the yucky news about last week.
Well, it was also a weird week because we had several really cold [temps in the teens or 20's] nights. Some of the plants got blasted. I had to wear my heavy coat while walking Lola in the morning.
There was also good news. One of my essays, "Memories of Segregation" was selected by The Bitter Southerner. You can read it here.
I was contacted by a distant cousin who is also a descendant of John McConnell. He found me through this blog, after reading my post about McConnell. He is a college professor and has done a lot of research on the family and it's been fun emailing with him.
Friday was St. Patrick's Day. I was still feeling yucko but I recalled that at my house we always celebrate a little differently because my parents met at a St. Patrick's Day party in 1956. By the time St. Patrick's Day 1957 rolled around, they had been married about 6 weeks. They stayed married for 40 years.
That's all the news.