Easter for me as a small child was all about the basket and the goodies, particularly candy. The bunny reigned supreme at our house. (I'm keeping it real, here.) I loved getting a new dress -- and usually a new purse and/or hat -- and going to church to show off.
Of course, as an Episcopalian in the 1960's, women had to wear head coverings to church, and I had to cover my head too. (See shot below with the bow: by the late 1960's I could get away with a big bow.)
Only after I grew old enough to really understand about Jesus did I realize the bittersweet nature of Easter, a time of new life and new growth and yet tinged with sadness because our Lord had been crucified. Did he really rise from the dead? I believe so. Let scholars debate. Faith understands things that defy science. When we teach the resurrection, I think we are teaching children about what it means to be misjudged and persecuted, if we do it right. Also, it's about feeling upset and alone, maybe even betrayed, and yet surrendering to God, who can take even murder and tragedy and make a miracle.
Above, me at age 7, I think. Above right, Mom and Dad and Bruce, Easter 1962 - I know because Mother is pregnant with me. I think she still has that hat, actually. (That may have been the hat she used a week's grocery money on; not sure..) Above left, me about 5 years old, with the basket; we still have the painting and the piano I'm standing in front of, fyi..
My father was miserly with the camera, so the shots from my childhood tend to be either Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or vacations. There are very few "day in the life" type photos. Kids today will never know the patience one had to have with pictures - buying film, inserting it in the camera, rewinding, taking it out and getting it to a shop for development, waiting a week or so -- nowadays everyone has a camera on their phone. Instant memories made -- and I'm glad of that, but the waiting taught us something today's kids don't understand, I fear..
Anyway, we basically had our family Easter yesterday. Bruce wasn't able to come for the weekend, unfortunately. However, Michael came for the afternoon and stayed for dinner (he's living in his own place now) and he gave me my Easter "present" - going with me to buy flowers and planting them in the ground for me. I forgot about mulch but he can do that next time he's home. Michael has to work today, so we celebrated yesterday. Even though he is 20, I got him a chocolate bunny. My mom continued buying chocolate bunnies for me for years after I was grown.
I rarely ever go to church on Easter because of the crowds. I much prefer to sit out Easter Sunday and just have a relaxing "day off," as much as possible.
Below are some shots of the flowers. I went with an all-pink theme this year.