No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth.
For most of the month of August I have been dealing with a nasty virus, and now on top of the lingering effects of that I am dealing with an ear/sinus infection. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and she did a thorough exam [noting the stopped up ears] and drew 5 vials of blood. She called me the next day and said "You have a virus."
No medications for me.
That was two weeks ago. I have been diligent about eating right, walking, drinking tons of water, etc. Last week I felt pretty good until Friday night and then the ear infection hit, and I felt horrible. Headache, drippy nose, ears hurting, sore throat, etc.
Today I spent most of the day on the couch. My sweet neighbors walked Lola for me, and another neighbor picked up the prescriptions my doctor called in. Thank God we have such wonderful neighbors. I am truly blessed.
Michael and my cousin Lesleigh have visited with Mother, although today they were working and I was miserably sick all day, so she didn't get any visitors, which I hate.
I'm hoping that once the medications kick in, within 48 hours I will feel much better. Lord knows I couldn't feel much worse.
I unearthed this old photo of my parents the other day and thought it was worth scanning in because they both look happy and relaxed. On the back, Mom wrote May 15, 1987 "Over the Atlantic" -- it was her first trip to Europe. She and Dad were going to see my brother, who had been stationed in Germany. He was an Army Captain. Right before they left -- like, on the way to the airport -- Dad made Mom stop at his office and sign an update Will. He was a wills and estates trust banker so he thought of that. Timing was bad. Mom hates to fly. However, they had a great time, and Mom, who is not good with languages, loved communicating with the Germans in pantomime. I'm sure they thought she was the funniest American they'd ever run across..
Started taking my medicine yesterday and I feel a lot better today [8/29]. Still not 100% -- about 50%, and still need a lot of rest, but an improvement over yesterday, for sure.