This is the time of year when you get up in the morning and put on the appropriate clothing, and as the day goes on you realize you made a serious error.
I wore a heavy long-sleeved shirt to CVS yesterday and got so hot I thought I was once again having hot flashes. Since I had a hysterectomy hot flashes are a thing of the past. Or maybe not. ACK. Now they aren't hormonal, however, thanks be to God.
I started off the day wearing long pants and a heavy shirt, and ended up in shorts and a tank top.
I realized the huge difference between 21 and 55 yesterday at CVS. I had no trouble buying Preparation H and Depends. When I was 21 I couldn't even buy tampons without agonies of embarrassment. Now I can buy literally the grossest thing sold at CVS and be totally blase. I live with an 83 year old. I am beyond embarrassment.
This is something you aren't told when you're a twenty-something or a thirty-something. One of the few benefits of getting older is you quit caring what anyone thinks of you. You quit obsessing over how you smell and what your hair looks like and if you have on the latest fashion. [Well, if you are over 50 and you still obsess over that stuff, you need to get over that, unless you are going for a job interview or going to a funeral. Seriously. Nobody is looking at you that much any more. Just relax.]
Here's my only criteria for leaving the house now, in terms of appearance: if I am reasonably clean and my clothes do not immediately say "homeless" or "hooker" I am good to go.
Michael spent a lot of time yesterday smelling every stick deodorant at CVS. I would have grabbed the brand I like and been out of that aisle in a nanosecond. Michael had to smell each deodorant and determine the one he liked best. Then he made me smell one. At that point I told him I was going to take off my shirt right there in aisle 4, I was so dang hot, and he made his selection and got up to the cash register very quickly..
He seldom moves quickly unless he is at work. We will be getting ready to go somewhere and I will keys in hand, ready to walk out, and he will say "I have to take a shower."
Now, when my brother was 21 he had already been in the military for several years. He could shower, shave, and dress in under 10 minutes. Michael is never out of the shower in less than 20 minutes, and it's usually 30-45 minutes. I don't think the missing hand has anything to do with it, either. Michael just rarely gets in a hurry about anything. We always laugh and say "He is a real Hasty" -- my mother's family, the Hastys, are NOT HASTY, despite the name. They are the opposite. Very smart, but not speedy.
- Mom has not been feeling great, despite completing her time in the rehab place, so we are headed back to the doctor tomorrow to see what he can determine. She is having bathroom issues. I don't want to say more, or embarrass her, but these issues are not unusual for an 83 year old.
- I have had a Yahoo email account for years now, but the computer is out being fixed and my computer guru friend tells me I need to switch to gmail. I am reluctant, but so be it. What I didn't anticipate is that it would take me so long to migrate all my email addresses over to the new gmail account. I have over 100 people I interact with on email -- and not all of them are my cousins! Wow.
- I am working on a new novel but it's slow going, and I am not terribly excited about it. It's novel #3, though, and I am trying to take my time and let the story unfold carefully. I tend to get in a hurry and write too sloppy and fast. Trying not to, this time.
- Below, a photo me me and two of my Thompson cousins. I was about 38ish. Still cared a lot about hair, clothes, etc. Wish I could visit more with my cousins. I miss them. Don't miss wearing makeup and all the rest of that...
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