All over Facebook people are posting memes saying "Never have I ever... broken a bone / gone bungee jumping" etc. I am always fascinated to read those, but also equally amazed that I have done most of the things on those lists. I lead such a quiet life now, but not long ago I fearlessly ran around doing stuff, all the time. So here are my little lists, with notations.
Broken a bone
Been to Disneyland [or Disneyworld]
Got a tattoo [I have a strong aversion to the very thought of embedding ink in my skin]
Had chicken pox
Been skydiving [the very thought makes me shudder]
Been in love [I thought I was in love, several times, years ago, but it was infatuation]
Worn braces
Visited another country -- England, Germany, Scotland, France, Russia, Kazakhstan
Sung karaoke -- did that years ago, in a bar, great fun [but then again I have sung professionally and it doesn't scare me]
Gotten a piercing -- ears count
Dyed my hair -- how many women over 40 have never done this, hmm?!
Been on a train -- in France and England -- I love trains. Wish we had better trains in this country.
Been on TV -- when I was in high school I was in a girls' ensemble and we were invited to go on a local morning show and sing Christmas music. Then I did volunteer work for the Tennessee Valley Fair for a couple of years, running a kids' talent contest, and the local news covered the finals.
Gotten stitches -- in my elbow, after a car accident when I was 19. Also in my mouth, after wisdom teeth pulled.
Cut my own hair -- huge mistake; my bangs looked like I had attacked them with a weed wacker
Swum [swam?] in the ocean -- many times, love the ocean
Been to New York City -- several times, although not recently; the older I get the less big cities appeal to me
Been camping -- once was enough; rain washed my sleeping bag into a creek, with me in it..
Got in a fight -- I grew up with a brother, so DUH
Been stung by a bee -- many times, often on the foot - I grew up hating to wear shoes because I have deformed hobbit-like feet and shoes never fit well