I came across this meme the other day and re-posted it on my Facebook page because it applies to so many people I know:
One thing I have learned over the years is how powerful our thoughts are, and how important it is to guard them. A few examples of what NOT to do:
For most of my adult life, I thought I would never be happy until I was married. I pursued a husband like it was my job. Only when I gave up on that idea did I stop being anxious and unhappy all the time.
I have a relative who is brilliant, and he is constantly denigrating everyone around him for being stupid. Probably 98% of the folks in the world are not as intelligent as he is, but guess what? It's lonely thinking everyone around you is stupid. Makes it hard to find friends or romantic partners.
I have a friend who is gay and who is constantly on the lookout for anti-gay sentiments. Guess what? He is filled with righteous anger because he finds a lot of folks who do not meet his criteria of being perfectly tolerant. So he stays angry all the time.
If you are filled with anger at stupid people, or intolerant people, or Democrats or Republicans or non-Christians guess what? You are poisoning yourself.
What we tell ourselves becomes our truth.
A man I know has struggled with addictions to drugs and/or alcohol. He says this to himself: if I am not drinking/using drugs I cannot relax and if I cannot relax I cannot be happy. So his mindset is that he can keep using and be happy, or stop using and be miserable. Guess which choice he keeps making?!
I have an acquaintance who lost a family member to suicide and it has become what defines her, that grief. She feels partially responsible for that death. I'm sure she feels like she cannot stop thinking about it because then she would be a terrible person for giving up that grief/guilt that has become so much a part of her now. Happiness feels like a betrayal. If she were sitting with me I would say to her "If his spirit were here today, would he want you to carry the heavy weight of grief and guilt the way you do? Would he want you to turn away from happiness because wallowing in guilt feels so much more comfortable?" She would get very angry with me but deep down, she would know I am right.
Death makes everything so much more complicated.
Politics and religion make everything even more complicated.
About a year ago I got to know a distant cousin that I connected with on 23andMe. Brilliant guy. We became Facebook friends. I had to unfriend him, however, because all his posts are political. He is filled with loathing for the president. Every post is about that one thing. If he were sitting here with me he would say what a terrible person I am for not jumping on the I Hate Trump bandwagon and screaming and jumping up and down with righteous indignation about everything Trump does and/or says. I would calmly say "Like EVERY PRESIDENT he does things I don't like and he also does things I like." That's life. No president in my lifetime has ever been Pure Evil or Pure Good. Like so many people in this country, however, my cousin is filling his head with hatred, every day, and obsessively counting the days until the next election. What good is that doing?!? What does that accomplish? The people who loathe Trump won't change their minds and the people who love Trump won't change their minds -- not because of Facebook posts.
The truth is that politicians are always going to make us angry if we allow them that power. Preachers will make us feel guilty if we give them that power. Our family members will make us angry/guilty/sad [or whatever] IF we give them that power. Any person or thing who brings out extreme emotions in us is controlling us, and we are the puppets in their hands.
Years ago I realized that I can stop thinking negative thoughts and lead a much happier life. I control my thoughts. I thus control my expectations.
I stopped being obsessed with my appearance and it stopped controlling me. I stopped being obsessed with bending everyone I love to my way of thinking and I quit worrying about that. I stopped trying to live up to anyone's expectations and guess what?? I am a MUCH MORE HAPPY person. I am not perfect. I still struggle every day with my thoughts and opinions. I am a work in progress, like everyone else.
When you start to fill your head with grief, anger, contempt, or any other negative emotion, stop and take a deep breath, and think of something else, something happy [a laughing baby, a kiss with your sweetheart, a favorite song, etc.] and eventually you will find it much easier to turn off the negative thoughts and then, then you may experience something rare and beautiful --
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