Some of my ancestors came over before the American Revolution and then had to fight to be free of England's tyranny. Because of that, I am not a British subject today, but an American citizen. I was thinking about that yesterday. I am very grateful to be an American.
Would I risk my life and fight for an idea?
At that point [late 18th century] the world was ruled by kings and queens and folks who took power through violence and then ignored the people's wants and needs.
Imagine for a moment if the revolution had been lost. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin -- every member of the Continental Congress would have been hung for treason. Their names would merely be footnotes in history.
I have to be honest about something. I see this country heading down a dangerous path. The country is divided. Seriously divided. It's very scary. Some people love the president to the point of the ridiculous. Some people hate the president to the same point. Extremism on both sides. Entertainers are calling for violence towards the president. I have lived long enough and studied history and politics enough to know that we must not go down the path of armed rebellion.
Everyone is choosing sides in the most recent flag debate. The flag was used by Barack Obama a few years back at his second inauguration. Nobody said a word. Now, because a white supremacist used it once, Colin Kaepernick has decided it's offensive and so Nike took it off its new shoe.
I am disgusted.
My ancestors fought to proudly fly the flag. Was our newly-born country perfect? No. There were evil people in it -- just like everywhere on earth.
I admire the veteran-owned company, Nine Line Apparel, that has made a shirt displaying that flag and is now selling it. See this story. You can order the shirt here. These wise words are from the company website:
"We are only able to enjoy our liberties, rights and lives as Americans today, because of what this flag has always symbolized and stood for. For Colin Kaepernick and Nike to say no to the release of what would have probably been a popular shoe for their summer footwear line is like saying no to our 4th of July holiday. The one day of the year where we all unite as one patriotic American family to rejoice and celebrate our freedom, hard fought and won by our country's forefathers. The Betsy Ross flag has a direct correlation with this national patriotic holiday but Kaepernick and Nike don't care. They are a disgrace to all freedom-loving Americans, choosing ignorance over patriotism."
Well said, Nine Line. Thanks for responding patriotically. With so much dividing us today, let's not let a flag make it worse.