What makes life worth living? The people we love obviously have a lot to do with that. I think what we love plays a big part, too. There are certain sights, sounds, and smells that fill me with love, and make life worth living.
What inspired this blog? I won't lie, Sean's blog inspired me. If you want to get to know a person quickly, ask them what they love. Their answers will be very revealing.
Obviously there are people I love. Family, friends, my dog. I love laughing with an old friend. This draws us together as much as anything, laughing at the same things.
Time travel is real. I feel it every time I look at an old photo. Below, my mom Elva at age 16, already looking glamorous and gorgeous. The photo on the right is me, about age 13 or 14, up at our cabin on Douglas Lake, with my dad. We must have been up there for a while for Dad to be bearded. He always grew a beard on vacation. The little girl was a friend's child.
I never realized until I grew up and arthritis claimed my mom's hands that the sight of her making biscuits with White Lily flour and buttermilk is one of the greatest memories of my childhood. I can't make a decent biscuit to save my life, which makes the memory of her biscuits all the more magical.
There is something magical and soothing about looking at the vast expanse of a lake, the incessant rush of ocean waves on the shore, even the movement of a creek. My brother and I put my dad's ashes into a swiftly moving creek out in the country on a beautiful sunny November day, and we laughed and reminisced about him. Water is soothing. Water is healing. No wonder baptism is such a powerful experience.
Few things in the world are softer or more velvety than the top of a Basset Hound's head. When I get to heaven I will revel in kissing the heads of all the sweet Basset Hounds that have preceded me. (Do not tell me there are no dogs in heaven. You would be wrong. Dogs are pure love.)
I don't know why this smell affects me so much. I think of being a child, feeling outrageously happy because the rain is over and Mama will now let me play outside, and maybe I can splash in the puddles when she isn't looking.
I remember one day walking up to the door of the building where I lived when I was in graduate school, and it was a hot day and we had just had a downpour. The steam was rising off the street and the smell was intoxicating. Then I got near the side door of building and smelled another favorite smell - laundry. Don't laugh. I love the smell of clean laundry. It's homey and comforting.
Those were such hard days, trying to work thirty hours a week and take three classes every semester. There was no time for fun, so I appreciated little boosts where I could find them.
I can sit at my computer and write the scenes my imagination conjures up and express so many things I just can't express any other way. It's a very healing activity, writing. Now that I'm not afraid to try writing novels, it's so freeing. I can write pages and pages and then if I later decide they don't work I can cut them and not feel bad. Everything has to serve the story and the story reveals itself in its own time.
Check out my new novel, Leaf Season, if you're looking for a good read. If you prefer short stories, check out a new anthology available on Amazon that has one of my short stories in it -- Family Friendly Halloween Stories! I also just published a novella with a suspenseful story, Rivals. You can read the whole thing in one evening. Check it out!
How do you deal with discomfort? With heartbreak? With a bad day? Read. I read to know I am not alone and I read to travel, mentally. Reading a good book is a great joy. Some of my favorite books: Gone With the Wind, The Prince of Tides, The Journeyer, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.
I don't go to church any more. My feelings about God don't fit into any particular orthodoxy. I will probably go back one day, when Mom and Michael no longer live with me. I think Christian community is important. I may be challenged to find a church that steers clear of politics. I think the two shouldn't mix but apparently I am in the minority on that.
There is something magical about a Sunday, though, even now when I don't work a regular 9-5 office job. Sundays are the days I try to relax and catch up with myself. I listen to music a lot, and sing along.
I know, seems trivial, right? Great quotes can start me on a mental journey, though, of love, faith, or inspiration. Words are powerful things and certain quotes have stayed with me my whole life. It probably stems from the fact that my mom loves quotes and she used to copy out favorite quotes in her beautiful handwriting and put them on our fridge. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" (Eleanor Roosevelt) is one of my all-time favorites.
"Life is what happens when you're making other plans," (John Lennon) is another fave.
If you aren't familiar with her music, you're missing out. She is classified as country, but she is that and so much more. She is a poet of the highest order, a singer/songwriter in the same vein as James Taylor, with poetic lyrics that paint vivid pictures and are impossible to forget. Probably my favorites of all her songs: This Is Love and Late for Your Life, and Stones in the Road and I Am A Town and Only A Dream
I saw her in concert once, at Chastain, which is an outdoor amphitheater here in Atlanta. She only sang songs from her new album. I didn't know those songs. It was a disappointment, that concert, although I don't blame her at all. I simply realized that I prefer the experience of listening to music that's been perfectly recorded. I don't really like a live human being singing on front of me. It makes me uncomfortable, frankly -- probably because, as a singer, I hear every flat note, every messed up entrance, all the flaws. Then I get nervous on behalf of the artist and the spell is utterly broken.[In my youth I studied voice and sang in choirs and did some solo work. I love to sing, but I can't bear to watch American Idol or any show like that because I become too nervous, and I can blame my training...]
I will leave you with one of my all-time favorite songs of Mary Chapin Carpenter's -- click on the link to hear it.
Baby where's that place where time stands still?
I remember like a love can. I forget it like a leaver will.
It's noplace you can get to by yourself.
You gotta love someone and they love you.
Time will stop for nothing else.
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