Every time a new president gets elected I become hopeful that the problems in our country will finally be solved. Call me an eternal optimist. Being a pessimist accomplishes nothing.
So far, I am really optimistic about the new administration.
Just for fun, though, I thought it would be fun to do a sort of Wish List for Donald and JD, just to throw in my two cents' worth. I think even Democrats will agree with most of these ideas:
Nobody in Congress should be there for more than ten years. After that, bribery and corruption are inevitable.
Make lobbying a crime. We don't need it. It's corruption on an epic scale.
No bill should have more than ONE thing in it. No more 1,500 page pork-stuffed idiocy.
Our mental health system is horribly broken. Many of the homeless people on our streets need to be put into places where they will get proper care -- not old-time mental hospitals. Those places were horrible. No, we need compassionate care. It's very difficult to hold someone against their will, but mentally ill people commit mass shootings, robberies, muggings, etc. We have to think long term. Far fewer homeless will mean much less crime. Money saved can go towards treatment.
Insurance companies also need to pony up for treatment of people who simply need counseling. Most companies now will pay for almost no mental health outpatient treatment.
Voting should be strictly regulated at the Federal level. Everyone should show photo id. Everyone should have access to it, easily and cheaply. We should have one type of voting machine and cheating should be punishable by mandatory prison sentences.
Appointing Elon and Vivek to curb wasteful spending is a start, but we need to make sure all agencies who get Federal funds are audited, every year.
The IRS, with its labyrinth of laws, needs to be overhauled. With a flat tax scaled appropriately, budgeting will be easier. We need to make it fair -- for instance, individuals making less than $30K a year should pay no tax, and anyone making over a million a year should pay a flat 25%, with no deductions or exceptions.
No American should have to worry about toxins in their food, but we need to wake up to why we are so unhealthy. A good overview of the groundbreaking work of Dr. Casey Means can be found here, a great article in Business Insider. I have been reading her book Good Energy, and trying to apply its principles to my life. I feel MUCH better!
There are many other things that can be done to make our country better, but these are a great start. Praying at least some of these (or similar ideas) will come to pass in the next few years...