Since everyone is cocooning at home at the moment and many of us [not me, I work from home] are getting bored to death, I have been seeing a lot of Facebook prompts about "getting to know you" types of lists. I confess, I find them fascinating, even if I barely know the person. So I thought I'd have some fun with one.
One of my cousins posted this: "What is something you have done that you are fairly confident you are the only person on my friends list to have
ever done?" My answer: I adopted children from Russia and Kazakhstan.
I've done a lot of unusual and/or weird things, though. Here are three related to my career as a writer.
As an 8th grader, one of my poems was published in READ magazine, a national publication. [Wikipedia: "READ Magazine was a children's classroom magazine for grades 6–10, published by Weekly Reader Corporation.[1] It included a mix of classic and contemporary fiction and nonfiction, including plays, personal narratives, poetry, and more to help build reading comprehension and verbal skills."] I still have the magazine, somewhere. I corresponded with one of the editors, who was very encouraging about my writing, and who sent me a big box of books he thought I should read.
When I was in college, I was a member of the Zeitgeist Literary Society and we invited Allen Ginsberg to come and speak. He did it. In case you don't know, he wrote a famous poem, "Howl" basically railing against conformity. He was friends with William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, pioneers of the Beat Generation. [If none of this is familiar, you need to do some research.] Anyway, Ginsberg was this really tiny little man. He read one of my poems and gave me feedback about it, which was exciting. He also came to our after party and played bongo drums and chatted with us [a bunch of UGA college kids] for hours. Refused weed or liquor, saying he didn't need it.Very cool guy.
When I was in grad school in Knoxville, I went to an autographing of books by author Rita Mae Brown at a local bookstore and got to meet her in person. Loved her work. Really admired her. Being very brash, I asked her to write in my book "To Dee Thompson, the greatest living writer since Shakespeare." She gave me a look of utter disgust after she wrote that. She didn't realize I have a very weird sense of humor. There was no time to explain it. I slunk away, clutching my book, mentally beating myself in the head with a brick because in my one and only encounter with a famous author I left her thinking I am an egotistical moron...
A few other weird things:
I always pay close attention to people's voices. I can tell you the accents of most major stars, and I can identify them by their voices without seeing their faces. I've just always found voices fascinating. Many years ago I had an interview for a paralegal job with a fairly good-sized firm here in Atlanta and one of the lawyers interviewing me had the exact same voice as Kevin Costner. I noticed it immediately. He wasn't as good looking as Costner but he was fairly attractive. I was in my 30's and still on The Great Husband Hunt. I was so distracted by Mr. Costner Voice I screwed up the interview. I could barely remember my name. It was a disaster. He walked me out to the elevator and I couldn't resist asking him "Has anyone ever told you that you have the same voice as Kevin Costner?" He said no, and looked at me like I was a nutcase.
I have always had a problem with insomnia, but over the years I have learned to 1) take Melatonin and 2) hypnotize myself to sleep. Seriously. I could give a TED Talk on strategies for getting a good night's sleep. Even so, I still occasionally sleep very badly.
My father sometimes comes to me in dreams and gives me information I can use in my waking life. He told me to adopt my son when I was pondering what to do -- and in the dream he told me Michael lost his hand due to a bullying incident. I noted it in my journal. At that time I had no idea how my son had lost his hand. Later it blew my away that Dad had relayed to me something I had no knowledge of and nobody had told me. / I've had a number of unusual experiences like that and collectively, all those fuel my belief in otherworldly phenomena, like ghosts, ESP, etc. [I tend to be highly skeptical of other people's experiences, though, unless we're talking about a close friend.]
The smell of eucalyptus makes me nauseated.
For most of my life I slept on my right side, and flipped around all night. After having some back issues about 8 years ago I trained myself to sleep on my back, perfectly still.
I've never had a pedicure, nor do I want one. The idea of someone touching my feet grosses me out.
I have never cared about fashion or trends but for years I was a Crocs-aholic. I only wore Crocs. I had about 2 dozen pairs, from the sandals to the boots. Then I became allergic to them, and had to throw them all away. Literally every pair made my feet itch horribly.
I am also allergic to every brand of contact lens solution out there.
Every time I wear the color mint green, something bad happens. Mint green is a bad luck color for me.
I always hated ketchup, my entire childhood. When I got to college I started ordering chicken fingers from a local takeout place and fell in love with the "red sauce" they always served with them which was -- you guessed it -- ketchup.
I love deep pile, luxurious wall to wall carpet. If I could afford it, every room in my house would have it except the foyer, kitchen and bathrooms.
[below, my student id from my UGA days. No wonder I always got carded when I tried to buy liquor...]
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