I was thinking a few years ago that there are not that many movies out there that star people in my age range -- 45-65. Most movies have main characters that are twenty-somethings or thirty-somethings. I enjoy movies like Jumanji but I'd really like to see movies sometimes with people my age.
I just watched a trailer for a movie called Ordinary Love, starring Liam Neeson and I'm sure it's an excellent movie. But why do movies about older people so often have to involve cancer and/or dying??
There's a weird gap in Hollywood. Clint Eastwood makes some excellent movies for people in my mom's age group [70-110]. He's not the only active seniorworking. Helen Mirren always stars in movies about women 60-95]. Diane Keaton still has a thriving career and some of her movies are favorites of mine, like Something's Gotta Give.
So why doesn't Hollywood make movies for people younger than Clint but older than Ryan Reynolds? Why is there such a weird gap?
There are so many actors in my age range that don't work enough and they should. Could it be because there aren't enough good scripts out there about people 45-65?
I saw a movie a few years ago called A Walk in the Woods, about a man who decides to walk the Appalachian Trail. Excellent and intriguing story. The main character should have been in his late 60's, early 70's. Instead it stars Robert Redford, looking far too ancient for the character he played. Casting Emma Thompson [just a few years older than me] as his wife was just bizarro. She was totally wasted in a nothing role, too, which annoyed me. Nick Nolte was wonderful, as always. Redford was just miscast.
I get so frustrated seeing excellent actors miscast.
Years ago I went through a period where I wrote screenplays. I think the stories were good but the screenplays themselves... not so much. I think they read more like books. So now I just write books.
Somebody else can write the screenplays -- with me as co-writer, preferably.
Anywho... I wanted to explain how adaptable my books are, and how they would be awesome movies or miniseries.
above, Broad Street in Augusta, about 1946
Ghosts in the Garden City
My first novel, Ghosts in the Garden City, would make a terrific series on Amazon or Netflix or HBO. Although the book is set in the south, the themes are universal -- searching for identity, mother daughter conflict, family drama, racial tensions. It spans generations of the same family. The characters are not stereotypical. They're complex and driven.
Filming would take place in Augusta Georgia [my original hometown] and Atlanta Georgia [my home, where many movies are now filmed!]. Although it's set in 1996 I do not think it would be too expensive to make.
The main character, Leigh, is in her early 30's. Her boyfriend is mid 30's. Two other main characters, though, are her mother Peggy and her boyfriend. Other strong characters in my age range abound. [I don't want to say too much and give the plot away.] There are two strong older male characters, Bain [late 40's] and Edmund [early 70's]. There are several great roles for older African American actresses, too.
I could definitely see Jennifer Anniston playing Peggy and Vanessa Hudgens playing Leigh. Kit Harrington would be great as Jack, Leigh's boyfriend. Michael Douglas would be wonderful as Edmund. I have given this a lot of thought -- while sitting in traffic, waiting in line at the bank, washing dishes, etc.
Here's my dream cast:
Leigh…………………………….Vanessa Hudgens
Jack……………………………….Kit Harrington
Edmund………………………..Michael Douglas
Peggy……………………………Jennifer Anniston
Bain……………………………..Josh Brolin
Travis……………………………Scott Eastwood
Rose……………………………..Halle Berry
Liz…………………………………Taraji P. Henson
Eugenia Hill………………….Melissa McCarthy
Mathilda……………………..Jessica Lange
Miss Maudie……………….Sissy Spacek
Could I write the miniseries on my own? Nope. I would love to see an experienced writer take a crack at it, however.
I would love for the director to be someone from the south, because it's a very southern story. I have loved many of the movies written and directed by Tyler Perry and I could see Tyler Perry doing a terrific job directing Ghosts in the Garden City. [Tyler, call me, mmkay?! Love ya. Seriously.]
I have never really understood the whole hashtag thing but I am going to throw in a few, just for fun.
#jenniferannistonrole, #tylerperrymovie, #halleberryrole, #tarajip.hensonrole, #melissamccarthyrole, #augustageorgiamovie, #moviesaboutthesouth
above, Blue Ridge mountains photo credit: Ray Cartee
Leaf Season
My second novel, Leaf Season explores a lot of ideas and themes that are interesting to me, [unrequited love, parenting, spirituality, psychic energy, trauma and its aftereffects], and it's basically a love story with other elements, too [history, friendship, grief]. The main character, Wyatt Jamison, wants to get out of the Atlanta rat race and retire, and take life easier. When he inherits an antebellum home in the North Georgia mountains he looks forward to that, but life throws him a number of curveballs.
Next door to the old home, Sally Cavanaugh has established a comfortable life as a small town librarian and historian, but she longs for a Big Love, which she's never experienced. Wyatt is the personification of her longings, but he isn't really available to her, for a lot of reasons.
The house itself is like a main character because it has been around since before the Civil War, and everyone in town knows there are secrets there. Wyatt's uncle Hugh built a high brick wall around the back yard and rarely spoke to anyone in town, fanning the flames of gossip about the house.
There are many great roles for 45-60 year old actors and actresses in Leaf Season. Wyatt's best friend John, and Sally's best friend Marybeth, are key characters. Wyatt's uncle is 70ish, and a key figure. Town gossip Roberta is in her early 70's - I could see Kathy Bates rocking that role.
So here's my dream cast for Leaf Season:
Wyatt.................................. Brad Pitt or Russell Crowe
Sally.................................... Vera Farmiga or Julia Roberts
Hugh Jamison.........................Christof Waltz
Sharon.................................Sarah Paulson
John................................... Nick Searcy
Andrea.................................Saoirse Ronan
Roberta................................Kathy Bates
Catherine.............................Dianne Weist
I haven't given a lot of thought to who would be a great director but my old friend Jeff Joslin has done some directing and he would be awesome, and he is from East Tennessee.
I would like to co-write the screenplay, of course.
#bradpittrole, #juliarobertsrole, #georgeclooneyrole, #russellcrowerole,#saoirseronanrole, #nicksearcyrole, #jeffjoslindirector, #oscarcontender
What the heck, let's go hashtag crazy! If there are any hashtags I left out, drop me a comment!
#moviessetingeorgia, #moviesaboutthesouth, #greatrolesforolderactresses, #southernmovies, #moviesfilmedingeorgia
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