When most attorneys or other small business owners think of marketing, they don't even consider bloggers.They wonder if THEY need to write a blog. They don't stop to think about all their friends and neighbors who blog, get on Facebook or Twitter, or use other social media sites.
I've been in the blogging world since 2005. That world has expanded. Now the worlds of Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest are also huge. If you are a business owner and you're not thinking about promoting yourself with those outlets, you are missing out on potentially a huge chunk of the market.
Now, I would've said a year ago that nobody in my age group [40-60] used social media very much. That's not true, though.
According to Brafton, in late 2012 "Twitter saw a 79 percent increase in users aged 55 to 64."
Another source, Search Engine Watch, says Pew researchers found that social media site use is up over 70% in recent years, and that includes all age groups and ethnicities.
I work part-time for an attorney who does wills and estates, Kristy Seidenberg. I was able to blog about her because of our business association, but I could just as easily have blogged about her organizing parties at our neighborhood pool, and linked to her professional website. Here's what that might look like:
Kudos to Kristy Seidenberg for making last week's firepit cookout at the pool a truly fun event! She's great at making potato salad, AND she can draft an airtight will!
Yeah, I know it sounds goofy but hey, that mention might be seen by 976 people and two of them might start thinking about needing a will and call her. You never know.
Kristy was featured in a local magazine months ago and she is still getting calls from new clients who read the article.
So the bottom line here is, think about social media not just in terms of what YOU do with it, but what your neighbor does, or your Sunday School teacher, or your child's tennis coach. They may have Twitter feeds, Pinterest boards, Facebook pages, etc. and they might link to your site there. The more links to your site on different social media outlets, the more Google likes you.